Tag: Excel

Computus – Calculating the Date of Easter

Computus – Calculating the Date of Easter

This may seem like an odd topic, but it is nevertheless quite interesting. Quite aside from any ecclesiastical purposes, it is useful to know when Easter is going to be, as in many countries there are public holidays associated with it. As well as telling you when you might be able to get 16 days off by only using 8 days of leave (or alternatively, telling you when all the places you want to go will be super busy), Easter has significant financial implications too. Supermarkets usually have much higher sales volumes, and of course, banks and the stock market are closed for four days in a row. The calculation of the date of Easter is of such historical importance that it even has its own name – “Computus”.

Lots of businesses use Microsoft Excel for all manner of purposes – often financial. Therefore it would probably be useful to be able to calculate the date of Easter in an Excel formula. Hahaha. Let’s get started shall we…

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