
Bayesian Regret is the term that’s in popular use to describe the phenomenon, whether or not you disagree with its naming: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayesian_regret

“You do a good job explaining ordinal and cardinal voting methods, but you don’t mention hybrid methods such as STAR voting or 3-2-1 voting.”

Systems with automatic runoffs have known flaws compared to Score Voting, including STAR: https://rangevoting.org/StarVoting.html

STAR voting is not worth bothering with. While significantly better than most other election systems (Borda, IRV, FPTP), it adds an unnecessary layer of complexity to Score Voting that, instead of improving anything, adds several significant potential flaws to the system, including cases of non-monotonicity.

STAR is being popularized not because it’s superior to Score Voting (it’s not) but because there’s been an active campaign from places like FairVote to push for the near-useless IRV method whilst poisoning the waters and actively putting out falsehoods and propaganda about the evils of Score Voting (which have been dismantled thoroughly and repeatedly). STAR is seen as a way to promote Score Voting as a way that’s different enough to be seen as sexy, new, and exciting, while avoiding previous negative propaganda tied to Score Voting.