Glad to see people engaging with the post, and you clearly have strong views; but as with the comment above, you haven’t provided any rationale for your opinion. I presume that your reasoning isn’t just “I live in Peterlee and don’t like Hartlepool”, but as you haven’t written it, I don’t know what it is.

Hartlepool, Peterlee and Durham are all currently in county Durham, so it is not obvious why you consider it so inappropriate to group them one way and not the other. Peterlee is closer to Hartlepool than to Durham, and is close to the coast, like Hartlepool, so residents are likely to have similar concerns. Are you able to share the particular consideration that makes you so certain that this is inappropriate?

Sunderland is a city of almost 300k – why do you consider that the small town of Peterlee (c.20k) would be best served by being lumped together with it?