Thanks! Yeah – as I mentioned at the start of the post – naming things is an absolute minefield.
If anything like this were actually implemented, I would suggest that the residents of each region have a vote on what they’d like the region to be called. This would hopefully result in a name that at least a majority of residents could get behind (especially if they used approval voting).
I’ve seen similar proposed regions named Dumnonia before, and have no problem with the name – I find that Latin names for places are generally very aesthetically pleasing. I opted for a Cornish name as a deliberate attempt to raise the profile of the language, which whilst only prevalent at the very tip of Cornwall now, was spoken as far East as Bristol (or where Bristol would be built) in the 6th century AD.
I have heard similar complaints about “Ulaidh”, which is the Gaelic name for the North part of the island of Ireland – picking an unpopular name there would probably restart the war, so best just to let the residents decide.
Other issues that people have raised are “Essex” containing Kent, and “Sussex” containing Winchester. I have no idea how problematic these are for people, and don’t have a problem with other names being used, but I do think the current names for the official Regions of England are particularly uninspired.